The heart is the one of the most important internal organs that we possess. When it stops working everything ends. With that being said, it is also no surprise that this organ holds so much meaning for us. It is from this organ that our life blood is pumped. It is also from this organ that we hold, accept and give love. We use phrases like; “You touch my heart” or “I feel you in my heart”. I have never heard anyone say; “I love you with all of my pancreas”. LOL! It just doesn’t hold the same meaning for us.
The Lord didn’t just put our heart anywhere; he put it in the center of our body. Why? It is the center of our life. So often we give our heart to someone because we feel a strong, lasting love we have never felt before. We feel at times that we can fly, and love could never feel sweeter than it does with this person right now. IT JUST FEELS RIGHT! And then suddenly this love seems to break, it crumbles and slowly what we were feeling disappears and leaves us with a huge hole in our heart.
We try to figure out what went wrong. We ask ourselves, was I just dreaming? Was any of this real? Did I make this all up? WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH!? And WILL I EVER HEAL AND LOVE AGAIN?!
Sometimes after we have experienced heart break we try to ignore what happened, we pretend that we are OK. We want to hurry up through the process and all we want is FOR THE PAIN TO GO AWAY!
Please consider this. Your heart is as fragile as a glass vase. It holds love. We can “see” the love we have for someone and in turn we can “see” into the heart of the one we love. When our heart breaks, it becomes shattered, and it falls into pieces. Instead of feeling whole we feel as if pieces of our heart are missing. At this point our heart looks just like a 1000 piece puzzle set. The pieces that are missing are the ones we gave away. How quickly can you put a 1000 piece puzzle together? One day, two days? Or does it take weeks, or maybe months?
The first thing we do when we put a puzzle together is we look for the corner pieces, don’t we? Faith in God is the first corner piece we look for. Prayer is the second corner piece. Forgiveness is the third corner piece and Patience is the fourth corner piece.
Everything takes time. Perhaps a broken heart is one of the longest healing processes I know. I have had many broken hearts, I tell myself never again! But I have learned that within every loving relationship I have had, and was almost destroyed by, taught me many lessons.
I have learned a lot about myself. What do I really want? What am I looking for, what do I need from someone? What am I willing to put up with? What am I willing to sacrifice for this person? And the most important thing I have learned is that I will never lose MYSELF to make someone else happy.
Every time we meet someone, or share life with someone, it is for a reason. We can learn something from them and in turn they learn something from us. It is never a waste of time and having regrets about past relationships is just plain STUPID! If you never take a chance you will never find the true one the Lord has for you. Life is a learning process. You stop learning when you are dead! Well, not really but that is an entirely new subject!
When we are alone and we are healing it is in those times that we CAN grow the most. We focus on ourselves and we find who we are. It is also in those times that the Good Father and His Son lend an ear and listen to us as we pour our broken heart out in front of them. You don’t have to put the pieces back together by yourself. Just ask them for HELP!