Sunday, November 22, 2009

Offer the Lord a piece of your heart not your wallet!

So many times I hear of certain churches or religions insisting on a specific dollar amount that people need to give to worship in the Lord’s house. Yes, the church needs money to function, but when the main focal point is placed on money instead of a blessing from the Lord then the church is straying off the path.

I will be honest, there is no way anyone can “buy” their way into Heaven. If some has told you if you give this dollar amount you are assured a place in Heaven, they are lying to you. No man has the authority to dictate whom the Lord will allow into His kingdom, no man!

Offering is as personal as faith itself. Some say give 10% or more than 10%. It should be a quiet moment of inward reflection that is born out of the heart. It is not the amount we give that impresses our Father, it is the way we offer to Him. We need to think more about why we are offering, and how we should approach Him with our offering as opposed to how much we are offering.

Do we pick a monetary amount and give it to Him out of fear? Do we give Him some of our pay check because we owe it to Him? Offering goes beyond the sum of money we give, it was born out of the act of “giving” and showing Him our “thankfulness”. The Lord gives you and I so much, our offering is a personal moment between us and our Father when we thank Him for all that he gives us.

Do you ever pause and think about the blessings that He has given you in your life? Do you think about Him and His Son? Do you delve deep into your heart and find a joy, a peace, a confidence, a love that you feel that you would like to express to Him by giving Him something? Or, do you just pick a dollar amount and throw it at Him?

If you paused and thought about WHY you were offering and told Him WHY you were giving Him this amount it would impact your life and your faith more no matter what the dollar amount was. In turn, you would touch His heart too.

Stop offering just your money and what little time you can give to Him and instead, give Him a piece of your heart…

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