Saturday, January 16, 2010


My Dad has a favorite saying that he often said to me when I was growing up; “Life is like a rat race!” All too often in life we are running from one thing to another. We schedule too many things within a week’s time and then complain that we feel we are STRESSED OUT! We scream and yell at our family and fight with them.

Sometimes we like to convince ourselves that we are powerless and that we are victims of our own life. PLEASE! REALLY?! You and I are in complete control of our life. Is it really someone else’s fault when we make our own plans? Who decided to schedule four soccer practices, two dance classes, Boy Scout and Girl Scout meetings all in one week? WE DID!

Suddenly we find that we don’t have any time on the weekend for God. We tell Him we are tired, we are exhausted and all we want is ONE DAY TO REST! And then we convince ourselves that HE will understand. Oh, He does. He is the only one that will always understand us. I’m pretty sure there are times where after I tell him I am so tired and worn out that I just don’t have time to do something for Him that He simply smiles and shakes His head.

But what happens over time? We stop talking to Him, we stop going to church to see and hear Him. We have no time to help anyone, including ourselves. Is this life that we currently are drowning in what God really intended for us to live in? Is our life supposed to feel like one never ending ball of stress and grief?

STOP, SLOW DOWN! Please take a look at your life. Can you make changes? Yes! Will you make changes? You get only one life to build a relationship with God and his Son. Your life should be filled with joy, peace, comfort and most of all love.

If these things are lacking then maybe it is time to STOP, DROP AND PRAY! Take a long look at the way you are living your life. Stop complicating it with so many things that God keeps getting forgotten and pushed to the “back seat” of your life.
Don’t be a victim of your life! You make all the decisions that affect you. You can change your life right now! There is still time to find the Lord, He is right where you left him the last time you spoke to him…in your heart, waiting for you!

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