Sunday, October 11, 2009


We currently live in a period of time known as the “End Time”. We are surrounded by war, famine, disease and natural disasters. One may feel that this is the worst time to live or maybe there is no hope, there is no one to turn to, or no one that can help. But there is hope, a very bright future and there is someone whom we can all turn to. It is God! He has always been with us even before time began. All of these events are the mirror image of The Book of Revelations in the bible. These are the signs of the end time and they herald the return of the true King. His Son, Jesus Christ.

Now, today in the 21st Century, God is just as active as he was thousands of years ago. He is the same now as He was then. He longs to complete His family and take them home. Some ask questions, why would God allow such horrible things to happen in the world? Why won’t God step in and stop these things from happening? Why do so many people have to suffer because of others? In my view, there is one answer.

When God created man He gave us one of the most precious and complicated gifts of all of His creations, “Free will”. You are free to make our own decision and choices in life. Some are good choices and some are bad and these choices affect the world we live in. At no time will God interfere with free will because of His righteousness. He will, however, try to move the heart of man in the right direction so that we do make positive choices that affect the world in a good way.

Some believe that giving your heart to God is the best gift we can give Him, but I would have to say that giving God your free will and completely surrendering yourself to Him is the ultimate gift you can give Him. Our free will is the only thing we have control over. Why is that the ultimate gift? You would have to trust Him completely with no reservations. You would have understand that all He tested and tried you with would be for your perfection and in time would lead you to the goal of your faith, Heaven.

My book; “One wish…Won Battle!” is about how I gave God my free will and everything He has put me through. I would gladly go through all of it again because of where I currently stand in my faith, the understanding I have of Him and the love I feel from Him. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

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